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úroveň testu: pre-intermediate     typ znalosti: Gramatika

Dokážete doplnit správné tvary sloves a nenecháte se zmást chytáky?

Zadání: Doplňte správný tvar slovesa, aby byla věta gramaticky správně
1) Do you ........... tomatoes (like)

2) She ........... got nice blond hair (have)

3) What ........... he do for living? (do)

4) I ........... some money, but I spent them. (have)

5) My mother ........... very kind (be)

6) The car ........... 180MpH (go)

7) We are ........... a great time now! (have)

8) Why ........... they so tired? (be)

9) The food ........... really delicious. (look)

10) John, ........... you going to go there? (be)

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